Shmuel Imberman is a director, producer, and editor. Imberman started out making adverts and corporate videos and is considered to be the forefather of Israeli music videos, thanks to the countless videos he’d directed for many of the country’s top military troupes at the end of the 1960s including The Nahal Band’s hit, In a Red Dress and Two Plaits (‘besimla aduma’) and the Lo Ichpat Lahem (‘they don’t care’) trio’s I’m Dying (‘ani met’). Imberman created and directed the timeless Israeli classic, Hedva and Shlomik (‘hedva ve’shlomik’) (1971) – one of Israeli public television’s first ever drama series. Later on, he continued to make a range of TV specials, documentaries, and subsequent series. Imberman is also an accomplished composer, and his credits include writing the music to beloved Israeli folk-rock singer-songwriter Shlomo Artzi’s hit single, We Don’t Need (‘anchnu lo tzrichim’).
Highlights of Imberman’s directorial credits include Two Heartbeats (1972), Let’s Blow a Million (1977), 5 and 5 (1980), I Don’t Give a Damn (1987), Tel Aviv-Los Angeles (1988), and Overdose (1993).

Short Film

Dana isn’t Dancing

Directed by Shmuel Imberman, 1997
דנה לא רוקדת

42 min.



Directed by Shmuel Imberman, 1993
מנת יתר

95 min.


I Don’t Give a Damn

Directed by Shmuel Imberman, 1987
לא שם זין

92 min.


Two Heartbeats

Directed by Shmuel Imberman, 1972
שתי דפיקות לב

89 min.


Hevrat HaOvdim

Directed by Shmuel Imberman, 1983
חברת העובדים

34 min.

TV Series

One Heck of a Grandma, Episode 3: Road Signs

Directed by Shmuel Imberman, 1976
בומבה של סבתא, פרק 3: סימני דרך

10 min.

TV Series

One Heck of a Grandma, Episode 1: One Heck of a Grandma

Directed by Shmuel Imberman, 1976
בומבה של סבתא, פרק 1: בומבה של סבתא

9 min.

TV Series

One Heck of a Grandma, Episode 2: Toothache

Directed by Shmuel Imberman, 1976
בומבה של סבתא, פרק 2: כאב שיניים

10 min.

TV Series

One Heck of a Grandma, Episode 4: A Duck Called Bang Bang

Directed by Shmuel Imberman, 1976
בומבה של סבתא, פרק 4: ברווז ושמו בנג בנג

10 min.


Two Worlds, One Country

Directed by Shmuel Imberman, 1975
שני עולמות, מדינה אחת

24 min.

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