The Israel Film Service Collection

Two Worlds, One Country

24 Minutes, 1975

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Directed by: Shmuel Imberman
Production:Asher Gat, Igal Efrati, Yehuda Eilan
Photographer: Nissim (Nicho) Leon, Dani Matas
Language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

A documentary film, which was produced by the Israel Film Service in collaboration with the Office of the Counselor for Arab Affairs and the Advocacy Center, presents the feelings of Israeli Arabs regarding their desire to integrate as citizens of the country The narrator tells how after the Independence Day War, many of the Arab leaders who lived in the country at the time fled abroad, as a result, the Arab population was left without leadership and weakened In 1975, about half a million Arabs live in Israel while dealing with the desire to be citizens with equal rights in the State of Israel and the desire and aspiration to be a part Of the Arab people Israeli Arab interviewees tell about how they see their integration into Israeli society and what they think would help sharpen the sense of belonging and the desire to be part of the State of Israel

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