Boris Maftsir is a documentary filmmaker who, in his work, frequently explores the Holocaust as it took place in former Soviet Union countries. Maftsir was born in Riga and in his twenties, he was arrested for engaging in Zionist activities. Following his release from prison, he moved to Israel and enroled in the inaugural class of Tel Aviv University’s Department of Film and Television Studies.
Maftsir has held a wide range of top administrative positions in the public sector. Amongst other things, he has served as the CEO of the Israeli Film Service, Head of the Culture and Arts Department in the Ministry of Education and Culture, Director General of the Department of Immigrant Integration [formerly Ministry of Immigrant Absorption], and Head of Delegation of the Jewish Agency in Russia.
In 2014 he embarked on his documentary project, Searching for the Unknown Holocaust, which explores the WWII genocide of Soviet Jews. Highlights of his directorial credits include The Guardians of Remembrance (2014), Holocaust. The Eastern Front (2016), We Allow you to Die (2016), Beyond the Nistru (2016), Drawers of Memory (2017), Gotenland (2018), The Mystery of the Black Book (2019), and The Road to Babi Yar (2019).


The Mystery Of The Black Book

Directed by Boris Maftsir, 2019
תעלומת הספר השחור

70 min.



Directed by Boris Maftsir, 2018
ארץ הגותים
English subs.

57 min.


The Road to Babi Yar

Directed by Boris Maftsir, 2018
הדרך לבאבי יאר

106 min.


Drawers of Memory

Directed by Boris Maftsir, 2017
מגירות הזיכרון
English subs.

78 min.


Until the Last Step

Directed by Boris Maftsir, 2016
עד הצעד האחרון
English subs.

95 min.


We Allow You to Die

Directed by Boris Maftsir, 2016
אנחנו מרשים לכם למות
English subs.

66 min.


Beyond the Nistru

Directed by Boris Maftsir, 2016
מעבר לניסטרו
English subs.

66 min.


Holocaust - The Eastern Front

Directed by Boris Maftsir, 2016
שואה - החזית המזרחית

94 min.


The Guardians of Remembrance

Directed by Boris Maftsir, 2014
שומרי הזיכרון

107 min.


The Children of the Jews

Directed by Vicki Shiran, 1999
ילדי היהודים

52 min.

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