Tzipi Trope is a director, screenwriter, producer, and a tenured film professor at the NYU Tisch School of the Arts’ Film Department. In 1978, she directed the short film, Day Off (56min). In the 1970s and ‘80s, Trope worked in Israeli television as a director. In 1987, she made Tel Aviv-Berlin which was shown at countless festivals and featured in the Berlin International Film Festival’s Panorama section. The film also won five Israeli Film Centre awards, including Best Film and Best Script. Highlights of her other film credits include Chronicle of Love (1998), and Six Million Pieces (2001).


My Dearest Enemy

Directed by Tzipi Trope, 2019
האויבת היקרה שלי

103 min.


The Prime Minister’s Wife

Directed by Tzipi Trope, 2009
אשת ראש הממשלה
English subs.

60 min.


A Ballad for my Son

Directed by Tzipi Trope, 2006
בלדה לבני שגדל
English subs.

81 min.


Looking for the Last Voice

Directed by Tzipi Trope, 2004
בעקבות הקול האבוד

58 min.


Chronicle of Love

Directed by Tzipi Trope, 1998
כרוניקה של אהבה

94 min.


Tel Aviv - Berlin

Directed by Tzipi Trope, 1987
תל אביב - ברלין

95 min.


Tell Me That You Love Me

Directed by Tzipi Trope, 1983
מירי (דברי אלי אהבה מירי)

90 min.

Short Film

Day off

Directed by Tzipi Trope, 1978
יום חופש

55 min.

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