Avi Mograbi is a documentary filmmaker and visual artist. His films for the most part are experimental in nature and include harsh, social commentary on the Israeli ethos. Mograbi is of the same family that once owned Tel Aviv’s long-lost Mograbi Cinema. He studied Philosophy at Tel Aviv University, and Art at the Beit Berl College’s Faculty of Arts. His films have been shown at the world’s most important films and have won scores of praise and awards. Highlights of his films include The Reconstruction (1994), How I Learned to Overcome my Fear and Love Arik Sharon (1997), Happy Birthday, Mr. Mograbi (1999), August: A Moment Before the Eruption (2002), Avenge But One of my Two Eyes (2005), Z32 (2008), Once I Entered a Garden (2012), and Between Fences (2016).