15 ILS
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A ceremony honoring the arrival of the remains of Edmond de Rothschild and his wife Ada Rothschild at Haifa Port. The navy warship K-28 arrives ashore with an honor guard aboard the deck. An honorary firing of shells from the ship. A crane lowers the two coffins to the platform by a crowd and soldiers. A ceremony is held at the port where soldiers lower the Israeli flag to half-mast. Internal Affairs Minister Israel Rokach speaks to the audience. Navy troops carry the coffins wrapped with Israel flags in a funeral procession through the streets of Haifa, in the presence of a large crowd. The procession arrives at City Hall in Hassan Shukri street. Trucks transport the coffins to a burial ceremony in Ramat Hanadiv via Yokneam and Zikhron Yaakov. A large crowd, guests, and dignitaries are present, including President Yitzhak Ben Zvi and his wife Rachel Yanait, David Ben Gurion, Yosef Sprinzak, Golda Meir, Moshe Sharett, and James Rothschild. A choir with a cantor is present at the ceremony. Chief Rabbi Isaac Herzog delivers a prayer. Soldiers lay the coffins in burial plots escorted by mourners, including representatives of various settlements holding bags with ash and settlement names. Ben Zvi stands by the coffins.
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