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A 35 episode documentary TV series created by the Israeli Film Service. The script follows a week by week account of events in the 1948 war starting with the 1947 UN resolution on the Partition Plan for Palestine and concluding with Israel’s first Defense Forces Parade, on July 27, 1948. In the fourteenth week of the war, the National Committee plenum convenes in Tel Aviv and decides to establish a 31member temporary governing council Battles between Arabs and Zionists continue to claim casualties The focus of the battles is the transportation routes to the settlements under siege Prof Gabriel Cohen, a historian and scientific advisor to the series, analyzes relations between the British Army, Jews, and Arabs towards the end of the British Mandate in Palestine Richard Crossman, a British statesman and member of the Labour Party, who was a member of the AngloAmerican Commission of Inquiry 1946, admits that the British Mandates attitude towards the Yishuv was biased The episode attempts to characterize the Arab warrior, his motives, and his fighting strategies, as well as the division between Palestinians who supported the Mufti Hajj Amin alHussaini and those who rejected his regime The ideological gap between the two groups, it is argued, prevented the Palestinians from establishing a joint military force In addition to these two groups, rescue army volunteers from Jordan, Syria, and Iraq also fight for the Arab cause until the Arab armies invade the country in May 1948.
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