Carmel Newsreel I-216, April 27, 1940

A Portrait of Daily Routine of the Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps in Sarafand Army Base

7 Minutes, 1940

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Directed by: Nathan Axelrod
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

The symbol of the Pioneer Corps. Parade of Pioneer Corps down a crowded street in Tel Aviv, carrying a banner in Hebrew calling on others to join them. Men in civilian clothes in Sarafand, march past camera , man in uniform gives them orders. Line up of soldiers being inspected by officer. Performing marching exercises. Interior of gym. Men in performing exercises. Soldiers lined up for inspection. Two officers issuing commands. Soldier saluting. Soldiers seated for group photo. Soldiers picking up picks and shovels, starting to dig trenches as officers direct. Later in the day, men in the trenches they are digging. Men marching through finished trenches. Re-enacting battle in trenches. Money pouring onto a table. Men in line for pay. Saluting and receiving pay from seated officers. Men with metal bowls lined up for food. Receiving food from large pots. Seated at table. Men lined up at a canteen. One lights a cigarette. One buys a beer. Room with many tables full of relaxing soldiers. Soldiers lined up with guns, marching with guns. Large groups of soldiers at attention. Scottish band with men in kilts, marches by.


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