Mister Cairo

6 Minutes, 1984
Short Film

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Directed by: Gil Lebenberg, Ayelet Menahemi, Yoram Harari
Cast: Bruria Albeck, Tobi Nuestaat, Udi Segal, Roni Karsh, Gali Siloni
Language: English
| Subtitles not available

The plotline may perhaps be a bit on the flimsy side with not much of a coherent story to be made out, and yet – in its 6.30min runtime, Mister Cairo makes it abundantly clear why two of its creators – Ayelet Mehahemi and Gil Levenberg – went on to become two of the most prolific advert directors in the coming decades. The film style boasts a look and feel that are highly reminiscent of a music video (just a few years before its release, the world’s first ever music channel – MTV, was launched in 1981,) with visual elements echoing Film Noir aesthetics in a recycled manner, now more commonly referred to as postmodernism. Either way, contrary to the fiercely conservative local cinema of the time, Mr. Cairo stands out as a harbinger of other aesthetic choices and production avenues that were lying in wait out there and which indeed, in later years would take root in the local industry.

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