
92 Minutes, 2000

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Directed by: Eli Cohen
Cast: Menashe Noy, Lior Ashkenazi, Ayelet Zurer, Amnon Wolf, Mark Ivanir, Erez Shafrir, Natasha Manor, Vladimir Friedman, Igor Mirkurbanov
Production:Ruth Lev Ari, Omri Maron
Photographer: David Gurfinkel
Languages: English, Hebrew, Russian
| Subtitles not available

The film shines a light on the man who became the founder of Israel/Palestine’s national energy company, Israel Electric Corporation, Pinchas Rutenberg (Menashe Noy), at a critical juncture in his life: days before the official opening of the Naharyim power plant in 1931, as an imminent flood threatens to destroy it all. En route from Haifa to Naharayim, Rutenberg revisits milestones from his past that chronicle his unlikely journey from communist to CEO: from the trip to London to secure the franchise for generating electricity from the waters of the Jordan River to his return to Russia during the Bolshevik revolution, and reunion with his wife who has absolutely no desire to follow him to Palestine.
The film, initially conceived as three-part limited series, started shooting in 1999 but was then hit with delays and difficulties and would only wrap production two years later, in 2001, with a cinematic release that followed even later in 2003.
Rutenberg won two Ophir Awards for Best Art Director (Yoram Shayer) and Best Costume Design (Rakefet Levy).

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