New Israelis: Recent arrivals to Youth Aliyah

An Interview With a Russian Member of the Youth Aliyah

2 Minutes, 1971

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Directed by: Chaim Shiran
Language: English
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

An excerpt from the film New Israelis, a film produced by Hadassah, the Womens Zionist Organization of America, and the Youth Aliyah.
Shmuel, who came to Israel unaccompanied from the USSR, as part of the Youth Aliyah initiative, speaks to educator Mordechai Arieli. He describes his reasons for immigrating, details the differences between his school in Russia and the Alonei Yitzhak youth village, and tells of the warnings he received prior to immigrating. Some of his friends warned that he will die for the interests of American petroleum companies.
(Interview by Mordecai Arieli; director: Haim Shiran)

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