Yossele Rosenblatt - His Life and Songs

20 Minutes, 1975

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Directed by: Natan Gross
Production:Eli Reisman
Production Company:Nehora
Photographer: Yachin Hirsh
Language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

The documentary film Yossele Rosenblatt His Life and Songs produced by Nehora Institute, tells the story of who is known as one of the greatest Ashkenazi cantors of all time. The film depicts the cantors wanderings across large towns and cities, first with his father and later as an artist in his own right, in which he manages to capture the hearts of the communities with his gentle voice. The piece accompanies Yossele Rosenblatts many visits while playing excerpts from a selection of his songs and hymns, in many communities in Europe, the United States, and Israel on only photographs and paintings by Jewish artists such as Israel Becker, Maurycy Gottlieb, Isidore Kaufman, and Arthur Markowitz. The film contains excerpts from a film shot in the 1930s in Palestine (Israel) and its production was interrupted with the death of Yossele Rosenblatt in 1933 in Jerusalem.

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