Carmel Newsreel I-215, April 20, 1940

Rehovot Celebrates its 50th Anniversary 1890-1940. Music: M. Wilensky

8 Minutes, 1940

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Directed by: Nathan Axelrod
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

Signs in Hebrew and English: Border of Rehovot, Drive Slowly. Local Council Rehovot. Signs in Hebrew: Train Station. Bus Station. Rehovot. Parade of local school children. Spectators on porches and roofs. Mayor, Mr. Yehuda Gorodisky is watching from the balcony of the municipal hall as the children pass by. Founders of Rehovot standing on steps of building as the youths pass. One of them might be Elazar Suzkin. The founders. Children marching. Seated spectators. Stills of Rehovot in its first years. A few houses. Fields and a house. Houses by an orchard and buses. Municipal building. Assorted institutions, the Great Synagogue, the municipality. The orchards around Rehovot. Workers harvesting in the orchards. Sorting and wrapping fruit in the packing house. Sign on factory in Hebrew and English: Jaffora. Workers working on piles of fruit in machinery. Sign on factory in Hebrew and English: Pri-peri. Hand-squeezing orange juice. Juice poured into barrels. Train station. Workers unloading citrus fruit and transferring them to a large storage facility. Entrance to the Weizmann Institute. Buildings, grounds. Sign on building in Hebrew and English: Daniel Research Institute. Interior view of laboratory. Assorted research equipment. Neighborhoods in Rehovot. Givat Brenner. Various sites in city. Police car and parade of Ghaffirs. Youth marching in the street. People standing on the balcony of the municipality. General calisthenics performance.

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