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This documentary movie was written by Mira Avrech and is based on her book Paula The movie is told from Paula Ben Gurions point of view and follows her life at David Ben Gurions side in the shadow of historical events that occured during their lifetime The movie presents meaningful personal events such as their meeting at Sholem cafe in New York, their wedding that was kept secret even from her parents, Paulas arrival at Jaffa port, Paulas sickness, and their move to Sde Boker The movie also shows important historical events including the world wars and the holocaust, the illegal immigration to Palestine, the UN partition plan, the Israeli declaration of independence, the independence war and the Lavon affair Paula is presented as a simple lady who doesnt always understand her husbands unusual ideas and at times feels unloved because of the lack of attention from her husband, due to his busy lifestyle But yet she still shows love and support for him Paula mentions a book that was given to her by her husband with a dedication to her with a quote from Jeremiah that reflects Ben Gurions appreciation of her To Paula with love, I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me and and followed me through the wilderness, through a land not sown taken from Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive
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