15 ILS
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This national ceremony is dedicated to excellent teachers, and was produced by the Israeli education and culture ministry . 36 nominees were chosen for the ceremony, only 12 will win the prestigious prize (1 teacher for each category). The teachers who were chosen presented their philosophy of teaching. For example, Asher Genis, bible teacher, said “it is a literature that doesn’t belong only to religious people, it’s not a literature of the past. It’s a literature that is also relevant today and can be useful for me”. Nina Cohen, computer teacher, said she believed that: “we live in a technological world therefore this science should be available to everyone”. Each one of the categories was presented by a different host, mostly in an entertaining and emotional manner. Among others, Chaim Yavin joked that he was chosen to host the science and computer category, since he is used to working in a precise field like journalism, Hana Laszlo talked about her teacher Hana from Jaffa, who instilled in her confidence and encouraged her to sing, and Yaron London talked about the role of political science in implementing values that are that serve as a foundation for a Jewish and democratic state.
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15 ILS
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