7 BaTeva (Seven In Nature)

27 Minutes, 1975
Student Film

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Directed by: Shimon Dotan
Cast: Mosko Alkalai, David Perlov, Yossi Pollak, Amir Oryan, Dorit Meirovitch
Production Company:Department of Film and Television, TAU
Photographer: Tali Goder
Language: Hebrew
| Subtitles not available

Shimon Dotan’s debut short (Repeat Dive, The Settlers) follows the Vardis – a family out on an outdoors picnic. The family is made up of a grandmother, father, mother, and daughter. They are later joined by Henry, the daughter’s future husband (a fact unbeknownst to him as of yet). Whilst out in nature, they meet two young men, one of whom goes cycling with the daughter. Their bike ride is subsequently interrupted in the middle of a highly intimate moment. Two years later, that same young man spots the Vardi daughter out on the street, but she is already a wife and mother of a baby. The film was inspired by Jean Renoir’s Village Party.

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