Introducing the Margolis-Shalvis’ rare family collection, featuring footage shot both in Israel/Palestine and overseas between the mid-1940s and the late 1950s. The collection contains colour footage that captures the family’s life in Jerusalem, including their many trips around the country, shot during the State of Israel’s nascent years. Highlights of the collection include scenes from Jerusalem, Tiberius, Beersheba, Eilat, the Dead Sea, Safed, Kibbutz Sa’ad, and much more. This is a family film collection of immense historical significance that will no doubt prove itself a precious source of information for scholars, filmmakers, students, museums, various organisations, etc. The collection was donated by Israel Prize laureate, Alice Shalvi, and is the property of the Margolis-Shalvis who have entrusted it in the hands of the Israeli Film Archive. The archive is in charge of its maintenance and management, scientific preservation, and accessibility to the general public.