Gideon Ganani is a fiction and documentary filmmaker and director. In 1996, Ganani co-founded with Michal Refaeli-Kaduri The Makor Foundation for Israeli Films, serving as its CEO from its creation until 2017. Through the years, he has groomed and championed many young, up-and-coming filmmakers, lending his support to docu-drama projects that focus both on the personal and the historical. Ganani was also Chair of the Israel Film & Television Directors’ Guild; a role that saw him, not once, lock horns with public broadcasters over pay rises for directors, which he was able to secure.
In his youth, Ganani studied law at Tel Aviv University but ended up quitting and moving to the UK, where he took up Film Studies at The London Film School. On his return to Israel, he began directing documentaries, TV news stories, and television series. In 1989, he directed Crossfire; a film based on a true story of a Jewish woman and Arab man who fall in love against the backdrop of the 1948 War of Independence.