The Israfilm Collection

Convoys To Jerusalem

26 Minutes, 1971

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Directed by: Gad Ben-Artzi
Production:Rafi Vizer
Production Company:Israfilm
Photographer: Mickey Wolman
Language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

An episode of Israfilms LTD’s documentary series “Thanks to Those Times” about the establishment of Israel.
More than 20 years after they fought together in the War of Independence, veterans who escorted the convoys to Jerusalem meet up for an evening around the campfire. As they walk down memory lane, they quickly come to the battles that saved the besieged city. This episode joins the veterans as they return to the historic battlefields of Sha’ar HaGai, the JNF House near Beit Dagan, and Latrun. The veterans recount heroic fights, but also some amusing anecdotes. For example, about that time when Benny Marshak’s cheering was just all too enthusiastic. A memorable story brought in this episode is that of a veteran Arab fighter, who participated in the assaults on the convoys.

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