The Israfilm Collection

Tel Aviv University - An Academic Miracle

12 Minutes, 1971

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Directed by: Unknown
Production Company:Israfilm
Language: English
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

A corporate video of Tel Aviv University, produced by Israfilm LTD.
The young University of Tel Aviv is expanding rapidly. Some faculties, such as the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Business Administration, already operate at the university’s new campus in north Tel Aviv. Some faculties’ buildings are under construction, and others – such as the Faculty of Engineering building – are planned. It is hard to believe, as the university’s president George S. Wise puts it, that the entire campus was “but sand dunes seven and a half years ago.” In this short video, Wise presents the rapid progress that the university has made, emphasizes the quality of its staff, which includes professors Yuval Ne’eman and Joshua Jortner, and expresses hopes that foreign donors will continue to support it.

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