Theatre In Israel

The Play The Dybbuk at Habima Theatre in 1967

2 Minutes, 1967

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Directed by: David Perlov
Production:Igal Efrati, Avraham Shalev
Photographer: Nissim (Nicho) Leon
Languages: English, , French
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

An excerpt from an English-speaking film produced on behalf of the Israeli Center of the International Theater Institute, providing international audience with an overview of modern Israeli theater. The film offers a glimpse of renowned Israeli theater productions of the 1967 season, such as the successful musicals of the Cameri Theater “Utz Li Gutz Li” (Rumpelstiltskin) and King Solomon and Shalmai The Shoemaker, the plays The American Princess by Nissim Aloni at the Seasons Theater, “He Walked Through the Fields” by Moshe Shamir at the Haifa Theater, Ibsens Hedda Gabler, Whos Afraid of Virginia Wolf and more. The following clip reviews the renowned production “The Dybbuk” at Habima Theater starring Hanna Rovina and Shimon Finkel (Directed: David Perlov, cinematography: Nissim Leon, production: Yigal Ephrati and Avraham Shalev, script: Moshe Natan and Yehoshua Kenaz)

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