The Israel Film Service Collection

This Week 25 Years Ago, Episode 3

11 Minutes, 1973

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Directed by: Avi Cohen
Cast: Unknown
Production:David Goldstein
Production Company:Israel Film Service
Photographer: Zecharia Raz, Hanania Baer
Original Music: Unknown
Narrator: Ram Evron
Language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

A 35 episode documentary TV series created by the Israeli Film Service.
The script follows a week by week account of events in the 1948 war, starting with the 1947 UN resolution on the Partition Plan for Palestine and concluding with Israel’s first Defense Forces Parade, on July 27, 1948.
During the third week following the UN resolution on the Partition Plan for Palestine, the tensions persist. The British Army attempts to restore the balance but fails, and the Arab uprising escalates. This episode traces the Arab attack from Tel A-Rish (renamed Tel Giborim) on the Holon area and a reprisal attack of Zionists against Jaffa residents, both leading to casualties. Residents of the enclaved youth village Ben Shemen is waiting for a supply convoy, but despite a strategic change of the known route, the convoy is attacked by armed forces of the Arab Legion near Beit Nabala, resulting in 14 casualties. The British Army begins the evacuation of its Sarona base in Tel Aviv, and the balance of forces in the region continues to change when Zionists assume control over the local police.

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