The Israel Film Service Collection

This Week 25 Years Ago, Episode 2

11 Minutes, 1973

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Directed by: Avi Cohen
Cast: Unknown
Production:David Goldstein
Production Company:Israeli Film Service
Photographer: Zecharia Raz, Hanania Baer
Original Music: Unknown
Narrator: Ram Evron
Language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

A 35 episode documentary TV series created by the Israeli Film Service.
The script follows a week by week account of events in the 1948 war, starting with the 1947 UN resolution on the Partition Plan for Palestine and concluding with Israel’s first Defense Forces Parade, on July 27, 1948.

The Yishuv celebrations, in response to the international recognition of their right to establish a Jewish State in Palestine, are soon replaced by the need to face the Arab revolt against the UN resolution. The British Army, preparing to evacuate its forces from Palestine, attempts to control the tensions but escalation is swift and inevitable. Among the newsreels included are clashes between Arabs and Zionists along with the water pipeline settlements in the Negev desert and clashes between Beit Yaakov–Hatikva quarter and residents of the neighboring Arab village of Salamah (near Jaffa). The story of Naharia one of 33 Zionist settlements that remained enclaved within the Arab state following the Partition Plan, exposes the settlers dilemma to remain in their homes or evacuate them is told by Dr. Shlomo Rilf, who emphasizes the challenges that the plan presented to both Zionists and Arabs.

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