Carmel Herzeliyya Newsreel 532, 1969

Crisis in Israel-France Relations

2 Minutes, 1969

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Directed by: Unknown
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

Many students demonstrate at Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv against the French embargo on Israel. Archive footage documents milestones in Israel-France relations: Prime Minister David Ben Gurion visits Paris and shakes hands with his French counterpart Pierre Mendès France; France Ambassador to Israel Pierre-Eugene Gilbert was popular in Israel; French statesman Jacques Soustelle visits Israel and is greeted by Knesset Member Menachem Begin; French Navy ships visit the Port of Haifa; Chief of the General Staff Lieutenant General Moshe Dayan receives the Legion of Honor medal; France stands by Israel in the Suez Crisis; Prime Minister of France Guy Mollet visits Israel; Israeli Air Force Pilots fly French Mirage planes; Prime Minister Levi Eshkol visits France and meets with his counterpart Georges Pompidou and French Minister of Foreign Affairs Maurice Couve de Murville. In Tel Aviv, the students protesting against the embargo march towards the French embassy. Factories in Israel manufacture jet engines for aircraft, as a substitute for the import from the European country.

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