The Israel Film Service Collection

Bulbul Ha-Kabubul, Episode 7: Upside Down World

4 Minutes, 1976
TV Series

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Directed by: Yuval Peleg
Cast: Moshe Ish-Kassit, Yair (Koya) Rubin, Tami Spivak
Production:Shmuel Altman
Production Company:Israeli Film Service
Photographer: Yachin Hirsh
Language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

An episode from the childrens TV show Bulbul HaKabulbul deals with road safety. The protagonist of the series, Shmulik, is very confused. and therefore got the nickname Bulbul (confused in Hebrew is MEVULBAL).In each episode, a storyteller tells a group of children about Bulbuls strange and funny behaviors, but what could be amusing in the kitchen or classroom might be very dangerous on the road and so we learn the road safety rules.
Bulbul returns home from school walking backward, a car coming out between two buildings almost hits him. We learn not to play, and to be careful near places where cars come out of parking spaces.


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