The Israel Film Service Collection

Portrait of a Photographer

20 Minutes, 1978

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Directed by: Nadav Levitan
Production:Nathan Ben Ari
Production Company:Israeli Film Service
Photographer: Dani Schneor
Language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

A documentary film produced by the Israeli Film Service about the life and work of photographer Rudy Wiessenstein, who was one of the important documenters of the prestate days and of the State of Israel in its early days.
In the film, Weissenstein is interviewed about key moments in his photography career and conducts meetings with people, and visits places related to the photos he has taken. Among the events documented by Weissenstein and to which the film returns: the first concert of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, the establishment of kibbutz Hanita, the establishment of the Tel Aviv Zoo, and the Israeli declaration of independence.

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