The Israel Film Service Collection

With Hitchcock in Jerusalem

15 Minutes, 1967

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Directed by: Yachin Hirsh
Production:Oded Be'eri, Igal Efrati
Production Company:Israel Film Service
Photographer: Yachin Hirsh
Language: English
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

The film With Hitchcock in Jerusalem, produced by the Israel Film Service, documents the visit of the famous film director Alfred Hitchcock to Jerusalem The film shows footage in which Hitchcock meets the mayor of Jerusalem Teddy Kolek in his office and from there continues on a tour around the city He visits the Knesset and the Israel Museum, the construction of which has just been completed, and alternatively old surroundings such as Mea Shearim, the Markets, and the Dormition Church, above the Ben Hinnom Gorge.

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