The Sherman Grinberg Film Library: Israel & Palestine Footage

Paramount Newsreel, 11 January, 1955: Military Tension on the Southern Border Between Egypt and Israel, Israeli and Egyptian UN Ambassadors Make Statements

2 Minutes, 1955

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Directed by: Unknown
Production Company:Paramount
Language: Silent
Subtitles: Hebrew

Military tension on the southern border between Egypt and Israel. IDF soldiers fight Egyptian soldiers, an IDF vehicle with the wording Shualei Samson written on it is seen patrolling the southern border. In the United States, a diplomatic campaign is taking place, on the one hand Egypts UN information officer, Abdul Mawgoud Hassan, accuses Israel of aggressively invading Egyptian demilitarized territory. On the other hand, Israels ambassador to the United States, Abba Eban, claims that Egypt has been asked by the UN on numerous occasions to withdraw from this territory but Egypt has refused to do so.

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