Carmel Newsreel I-136, April 24, 1938

Breeding Carps in the Pools of Jewish Farms in Palestine

3 Minutes, 1938

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Directed by: Nathan Axelrod
Subtitles: English, Hebrew

View of Beit Shean Valley. Sachneh surrounded by rushes. Digging a ditch with shovels a drill and a steam-shovel. The ditch filled with water. Fish-ponds. Fish in a net in the water. Fishermen standing around the net. One holds up a large fish. Hatchlings in a net in the water. Someone runs his hands through the hatch-lings and picks up a handful of them. Rowing on one of the ponds. A rowboat on a lake. A settlement in the background. Boat is loaded with sacks. The man in the boat opens a sack and pours the contents (powder) into the water. Fish near the waters surface. Two men in front of microscopes – one is dissecting a fish, the other is placing a sample on a microscope slide. A group of men wading into the water with a net. Two others are near the shore feeding out the net. Pulling in the net with the catch. Transferring fish from small nets to a metal drum. Emptying the drum into a wooden cart hitched to a donkey. The cart is taken to a plant. Fish and water pouring into storage tanks. The exterior of the plant and a truck.


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