The Israel Film Service Collection

Sea of Dreams

28 Minutes, 1991

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Directed by: Eitan Tal
Production Company:Israel Film Service
Photographer: Uri Sharon
Original Music: Ilan Harel
Language: English
| Subtitles not available

“Oh, my Kinneret, Kinneret… Did you ever exist, or did I simply dream a dream?” Poet Rachel Bluwstein poses this question in her poem “V’Ulai”, expressing her love and longing for the Sea of Galilee – a sentiment shared by this short documentary film produced by the Israeli Film Service. Like Rachel, this film marvels at the beauty of the Sea of Galilee and at the abundance of historical significance surrounding it. Starting at an archeological excavation site at Bethsaida, which has been linked to the Jewish revolt against the Romans and to the Miracle of Loaves and Fishes, the film explores various sites in the area through the lens of Judeo-Christian history and mythology. These sites include Degania, “the mother of all Kibbutzim”, where Rachel Bluwstein was an early member; Mount Arbel, Migdal and the ancient Jewish settlement of Gamla, all sites of attempted military resistance against Roman invaders; the Mount of Beatitudes, believed to be the site of the Sermon on the Mound, as well as the church and ancient synagogue at Capernaum; and finally, the Tiberias Hot Springs, the tomb of Rabbi Akiva and the birthplace of the Jerusalem Talmud and the Niqqud vowel system. Alongside these places of great religious and historical import, the film also follows tourists visiting the Sea of Galilee for spiritual and recreational purposes and accompanies a team of local fishermen in their daily efforts to catch the lake’s indigenous St. Peter’s Fish.

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