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The story of Czech-born painter and Holocaust survivor, Yehuda Bacon, who lost his family at Auschwitz at the age of 16 and managed, against all odds, to become a successful, esteemed artist, is just one story among thousands of youths who were rehabilitated at Youth Aliyah’s youth villages. This short documentary film, produced for Youth Aliyah, provides a detailed glimpse into the experiences of children who were forced to leave their native lands – whether as refugees fleeing persecution and oppressive regimes, or as immigrants arriving in Israel to settle the national home of the Jewish people – and found themselves in the care of Israeli youth villages.
The children arrive at various youth villages – Ramat Hadassah Szold, Ben Shemen, Yamin Orde, Nitzanim and many others – hailing from 72 different countries. On arrival, once they have gone through medical testing, they immediately begin to bridge educational gaps and adjust to their new lives. They learn Hebrew and are exposed, sometimes for the first time, to writing and arithmetic; they become acquainted with new, creative skills, such as basket weaving and woodworking; they learn to be responsible and participate in cleaning and maintenance; they hike outdoors and receive agricultural training in different fields, so they can better appreciate the land and become attached to it; they celebrate Jewish holidays and enjoy their free time together, and in religious youth villages, they also pray and study the Torah. After going through the rehabilitation process, the children move on to receive a standard education, but in fact, the purpose of all of these activities is more long-term: to show them love and care, to encourage them to discover their talents and to allow them to develop as individuals, yet as members of a larger group – so that one day, as adults, they might depend on one another and lead a complete life, mentally, physically and spiritually.
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